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Office Safa marriage




السبت، 8 مارس 2014

Beautiful Egyptian girl living in America are looking for marriage

Name emotions ... Egyptian origin resident in America with my parents ... Age 22 years old Single Christian Coptic beautiful and university I want to marry a young man at my age, or that are not over the age of 35 years resident 
in the U.S. or outside the U.S. and do not care about nationality, and I'm ready to live him anywhere     
كيف  تجعلين زوجك يحبك
اجعلى هدفك هو عمل اسره سعيده
ابدئى يومك بابتسامة رضى فى وجه زوجك
عاملى زوجك كما تتعاملين مع  طفلك بالحب والتدليل
تعاملى مع زوجك بالمرح و الاحترام
يجب ان يراك دائما فى اجمل وابهى  حاله  تفوح رائحه زكيه
لا تتحدثى معه الا فيما يحب ان يتحدث فيه
تجنبى افشاء اسراره مع الجيران او الاهل
احرصى دائما ان تعطيه هدايا فى المناسبات 
دائما اخبريه بمشاعرك نحوه 
دائما اجعلى السعاده والحب والمرح فى عش الزوجيه وتجنبى النكد

How are making your husband loves you 
Aim is the work of a happy family 
Start your day with a smile on the face of your husband's consent 
Workers husband as you deal with your child's love and pampering 
I deal with your husband's respect and fun 
Should always see you in the most beautiful and pompous case smelt smell 
Do not you talking to him, but loves to talk with the 
Avoid divulging secrets with neighbors or family 
Make sure to always give gifts on special occasions 
Always Tell him your feelings toward him 
Always Make your happiness, love and fun in wedlock and bile Avoid