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Office Safa marriage




Marry a psychological necessity and not just a framework of social life

Disagreements parents greatly affect the look of children for married life in the future , make them look at marriage as a social image paint inside the head of the family costly burdens material and either suffer the hassles home and children and high prices , and including several children , for without them to continue this married life , so he started Dr. Ahmed Haroun adviser psychotherapy and addiction treatment Speaking about family life and marriage in the current era .

He said Aaron that marriage is not a form socially just , adding that this view underestimates the marriage , and degrade a lot of ability, marriage is a necessity for life , not an upright or take a natural shape her only way , that framework which it is fully each party to the other party .

The Aaron that echelon normal life , as created by God , is that a man and woman living together , and meet the respective needs of the other psychological, social , this pattern is if both of them better than if they lived alone , misunderstood some have claimed that their lives are stable and happy , and they do not need of marriage , their lives remain part of the shortfall , can not be ignored and overlooked .

He said Aaron that marriage appeal deep within oneself - subconsciously he or subconsciously - is the appeal that I " do not want to be alone ," must be shared by one of the troubles of life and her pain , and have someone shared with him Avrahi and join me my sufferings , it is a marriage .

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