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Office Safa marriage




ماذا تفعل لو كنت مكانى ؟

انا فتاة عمرى ١٨ سنة اعمل فى بنك شهير ينتهى عملى فى وقت متاخر حسب ظروف البنك . لاحظت ان احد الزملاء يتودد معى ورغم انى لم اتفاعل معه الا انه طلب منى الزواج ورفضت بادب
ولكنه لم يياس ويلح على
وفى يوم اسود انتظرنى اسفل البنك وطلب ان اركب معه سيارته وركبت بعد الحاح منه وفى الطريق طلب منى ان افكر مرة اخرى فى الزواج منه فرفضت باصرار فسكت ولم يتكلم طول الطريق ثم طلب منى ان نكون اصدقاء فوافقت وتحمست للفكره  فطلب منى ان اشترك معه فى اختيار ديكور شقته وتوجهنا الى شقته لمعاينتها  جلسنا فى الشقه وقدم لى كوبا من الشاى وبعده غبت عن الوعى فحملنى الى غرفة داخليه واغتصبنى ظنا منه اننى ساضطر الى الزواج به
وبعد ان فقت  انهرت وتوجهت الى القسم وحررت له محضرا وتم حبسه
والان ماذا افعل بعد ان فقدت غشائى
علما بانه عرض على الزواج ولكنى  اكرهه
 دلونى ماذا تفعل لوكنت مكانى ؟   منتظره رسائلكم ؟  

I am 18 years old girl working in a famous bank pragmatic ends late in the circumstances of the bank. I noticed that one of the fellows courted me and even though I did not interact with him, but he asked me to marry and refused politely
But he did not give up and insist on
On Black wait for me down the bank and asked him to ride his car and installed Pressed him. .
On the way he asked me to thinking again in persistently refused to marry him remained silent and did not speak all the way and then asked me to be friends and I agreed enthusiastic about the idea and asked me to choose participated with him in the decor of his apartment and went to his apartment to preview
We sat in the apartment and gave me a cup of tea, and after I'm gone for awareness entrusted me to an interior room and raped me, thinking that I would have to marry him
After hyped collapsed and went to the section and freed him a record of his incarceration was
And now what do I do after losing endothelial
Note that he presented to the marriage, but I hate him
What do you do if you were am ?    Waiting for your letters?

انا طالبه فى الجامعه من اسره ملتزمه ارتحت لاحد زملائى فى الكليه وكنا نجلس مع بعض ونخرج وندخل مع بعض سمحت له ان يمسك يدى ومره فى مره مد يده الى مناطق اخرى تظاهرت بانى لا اريد ولكن بعد محاولات كثيره سمحت له ان يتحسس اجذاء من جسمى
وكانت الطامه الكبرى ان مارس الجنس معى . لم ينزل منى دم
هل غشاء بكارتى سليم وماذا افعل
عرض على الزواج ولكنى متردده فى القبول
هل انا خائنه ؟
ماذا تفعلى لو كنتى مكانى ؟

I am a student at the University of committed family I am relieved to one of my colleagues at the college and we sat with some and get out and get into with some allowed him to catch my hand and once in the time stretched out his hand to other areas pretended that I do not want to, but after many attempts allowed him to fumbles Ajmae of my body
The great disaster that fucked me. Mona's blood did not come down
Is my virginity membrane properly and what to do
Showing the marriage, but I reluctant acceptance
Am I a traitor?What are you doing ?